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Actúaloop awards the most innovative ideas to social research networks

Actúaloop awards the most innovative ideas to social research networks

by Beatriz del Rincón Alonso,  Over 30 ideas submitted and 69 participants, including students, PhD students, researchers and professors, is the result of the first edition of actúaloop. Actúaloop competition aims to stimulate innovation in social research networks and to promote ideas that improve the functionality of Loop research network while generating new and innovative applications for academic and … Continue reading

Communicate with your peers with Loop private messaging

Communicate with your peers with Loop private messaging

You’ve been asking for it and now it’s available. You can now communicate with your fellow researchers on Loop using private messaging. The Loop team is dedicated to developing products and services that facilitate effective communication between you and your peers. Our new private messaging service provides a platform for new collaboration opportunities, beyond the boundaries of … Continue reading

Social and semantic networks bring a welcome change in science
Loop communication

Social and semantic networks bring a welcome change in science

By Constanze Böttcher, Science Journalist At the heart of every modern, knowledge-based economy, science is a powerful driver for change and growth. As a result, the global scientific community is growing too, pumping out research at an ever increasing rate. Some say that global scientific output doubles every nine years. Ironically, scientists have struggled to keep up … Continue reading